Saturday, June 18, 2016

End of the year

The last day of school has come and gone and now its time to get some rest and recharge!

The end of the school year is always bittersweet. I look forward to warm weather and time to relax, but I always get a little sad saying good bye to graduating seniors. My advisees are Juniors this year and the whole Junior class went White Water Rafting in The Forks for our advisee day out. This was a great way to end the school year. Its also a little sad to say goodby to colleagues who are retiring or leaving for other jobs. It seems like we have had a lot of this at my school in the last few years. In talking with teachers from other schools in Maine and other parts of the country, I have some ideas as to why this is happening at my school but I won't speculate on that here.

I am looking forward to a few things this Summer that I will blog about before school starts in the Fall. The firs is the Maine Social Studies Symposium held at my school on June 29th. This is a day jam-packed with Professional Development for Social Studies teachers in grades K-12. This should be a great day with lots of sharing!

The other piece is my trip to Europe to tour a few World War Two Cemeteries and related historic sites. This trip is the culmination of the Understanding Sacrifice program I have been working with since last Fall. I am very excited to honor the memory of Harvey Madore, and also 3 other soldiers my students have studied over the last few years. I'm sure the trip will be memorable!

I will blog twice more during the summer and re-start my twice a month blogging in September when school starst back up. In the meantime, Happy summer!