Monday, February 15, 2016

Health break

It was almost exactly two years ago when I reported a diverticulitis infection in this blog. Since then, I have had many infections and it has gotten to the point where my PCP has recommended I consult with a surgeon. So I met with a specialist in Portland and will be having a portion of my intestines removed on March 7. This should cure my infection problem, but I will be out of school for 3-6 weeks. The school is going to hire a long-term substitute, but I plan to stay connected with the students even during my recovery. So over the next few weeks I have much to do to prepare for being out. In my next post I should be just starting my recovery.

Over the last two weeks we have started our new semester and things are going well in the classroom! I have been super busy in general, and as usual for February, we are asked to do more things then we are given time for. Whether its registering students for classes, preparing credit recovery work, or signing kids up for Winter Carnival there is a lot going on! In some ways I look forward to time after my surgery to rest and be away from some of the hectic nature of things at school right now. I am quickly typing this in a hurry to get it done in an effort to stick to my personal schedule of blogging every two weeks. The truth is, I'm so busy there's not much I can say here. I have to prepare postings and readings for the Understanding Sacrifice program and update the lesson plan rough draft. I also had a couple of National Honors society recommendations to write, student work to grade, and plans to update. I still need to plan for while I'm out with surgery, finish the plans for the Social Studies PD I'm doing on 3/31 and update the World War One project I'm doing with Maine Historical Society. I also have Model UN plans to organize, and related logistics. Things will slow down by June (I hope). At least Spring is coming soon! See you with a few inches less of my intestines in a few weeks!